Or should I say back in NOIR?
Berlin Noir. Judging from the incredible number of visits over the past year -
closing in on 11,000! - it seems word has gotten out and Berlin Noir fans are
stopping by to check out the goings on. Thanks so much!
As to that, veteran visitors may
have noticed that there hasn't been a lot going on here. Personal and
professional challenges ate up my time during the latter half of 2014 and I
simply could not give the blog, and its readers, the attention it and you
deserve. That changes now! The dust has settled and we're back in business.
There will be a new review for
Feb. 1st and I'll adopt a bi-monthly schedule. I do this because, frankly, I'm
running out of books! So if you've got suggestions please pass them along. If
you've written a Berlin Noir book and want it reviewed, then get in touch. I
read both print and ebooks.
2015 is already off to a good
start with a new Bernie Gunther book coming out this April. Here's the cover to
get your mouth watering.
All right, thanks for your patience and thanks
for sticking with the blog! Stay tuned...